Did you complete it? It took 8th through the 12th to complete
What did you learn? the brush strokes from the two layers of Mod-podge aren't visible through the resin... however the cloudy 'too thick glue' places are visible through the resin. Resin and glue take FOREVER to dry. Also don't use transfers-- they are stupid.
What did you learn about yourself? I never think about the clean up and what might be needed for that. I didn't have rubbing alcohol on hand... nor did I have a stirring stick (ended up using a thrown away popsicle stick). Apparently I'm willing to sacrifice my favorite shot glass to make sure that the measuring of the resin was accurate. The You-Tubers made it very clear that the resin needs to be mixed with perfect measurement are tacky/stickiness will be the end result.
How do you feel about the project? This might be the first project that looks like a professional made. Maybe if I perfect the method, I can make the big bucks.
I love the bottle caps! They are adorable and they look very very professional <3